We are proud to offer international shipping services that currently operate in over 200 countries and islands worldwide. Nothing means more to us than bringing our customers great value and service. We will continue to grow to meet the needs of all our customers, delivering a service beyond all expectation anywhere in the world.

We ship via various domestic and international shipping companies. Therefore, we have flexibility to provide affordable price, shipping method and delivery time.
We offer shipping method below:
Dedicated Express (International courier services like UPS, DHL)
Postal Parcel (Postal services)
International Delivery times* vary widely from country to country, they also depend on how effective your local postal services and International branches of transport companies are. All orders are fulfilled at our warehouse and are shipped from China as soon as possible after receiving the payment, but not later than 7 working days. When your order is placed we will send you an automatic order confirmation. Once your package is shipped we will send you an email with a tracking number for the package. * Please note that shipping windows are estimates and delivery dates cannot be guaranteed.

Estimate delivery time for the United States

Dedicated express (Courier method) – approx. 5-15 working days.
Standard delivery (Postal services) – approx. 9-25 working days.

Estimate delivery time for the Rest of the World:

Dedicated express (Courier method) – approx. 5-20 working days.
Standard Delivery (Postal services) – approx. 7-30 working days.

The shipping time is indicated taking into account the availability of the goods in the stock. If there are problems with the stock we notify our customers immediately. If the ordered goods are not available in stock they will be shipped from China within 3-7 days.

We are not responsible if the package is not delivered in the guaranteed shipping times as it may take 1-3 business days to process the order and we cannot be held liable for the logistics partners guarantees. We will not refund shipping charges if the logistics partners fail to meet their guaranteed shipping times.

If there are preferences concerning the carrier we follow the customers wishes. In this case the shipping cost will be calculated separately. Please contact us for additional information:

Shipping Price

The cost of the international delivery fully depends on the size and weight of your order, of the delivery address and the carrier used. The main delivery methods You can find above.

Delivery price will be automatically generated and indicated on your basket after You fill up the delivery location (country). Please note, that some countries may have only one Delivery method from presented list. It is depends on the regulations of the transport companies and some International companies don’t have branches in all countries from the list.

Shipping Delays

CUBANLINKSTORES are not responsible if the package is not delivered in the guaranteed shipping times as it may take 1-3 business days to process the order and we cannot be held liable for the logistics partners guarantees. We will not refund shipping charges if the logistics partners fail to meet their guaranteed shipping times.

Different customs clearance procedures and inspections can cause direct delays beyond our standard delivery estimates and times. CUBANLINKSTORES are not responsible for delays in shipping caused by extraneous factors (such as customs clearance procedures, weather, inspections, incorrect addresses provided by customer, labor disputes, and/or transportation problems).

We cannot be responsible for lost or damaged packages.

Customs or import duties for clients

International orders may be subject to additional import or customs fees, depending on the laws and regulations of the country concerned.

Additional charges for customs clearance (duties) will have to be borne by the recipient. As the tax and customs policy may vary greatly in different countries and we can’t predict what they might be, we recommend you to turn to the local customs or tax board’s representation for additional information about customs policies or duties.


Any import duties and taxes are charged once the parcel has reached the destination country and these charges must be paid by the recipient of the parcel. Unfortunately, we have no control over these charges as customs policies vary by country. If you have any questions related to customs charges you are advised to contact your local customs.

Telephone: +1 6592535575
Whatsapp/iMessage: +1 6592535575

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